Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Hi everyone, welcome to my blog! Several years ago, one of my friends in the Landmark Introduction Leaders Program suggested that I should write a book. My thoughts at that time were, "who, me?" and "what the heck am I going to write a book about?" But recently I've discovered that I have all these ideas floating around in my head, and I am not really recording them anywhere. At one time, I didn't really know what a blog, short for weblog, really is. But I've discovered that it's no different from keeping a journal, which I used to do many years ago but got out of the habit. So I had the thought that writing a blog would be a great way for me to put some of those thoughts down and maybe have some other people see them (scary thought!).

I'll be writing about any number of subjects here, anything that strikes me as important. I'll have thoughts about sports, religion, politics, books I've read, etc. Some may even be controversial! And maybe someday, I will have the genesis of the book that my friend Heidi Osborn suggested I write. My idea is that everything great in the world starts with an idea. I don't claim to have all the good ideas, but maybe someone will see one of mine and think, "that could lead to something," combine it with his or her own idea, and then suddenly the world is a better place. Everyone deserves a peaceful world to live in, and I hope that the seeds I spread here may contribute toward that end. We can have a world where everyone wins.

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