Saturday, January 9, 2016

What's the impact?

Last month I shared about my concept of God and why, although I don't believe in an all-powerful, invisible, magical man in the sky, it still remains a useful term for me. But when I get right down to it, I see that whether God does or does not actually exist is not the most important question. There are thousands of names for "God," and many people are willing to argue until the end of the world that their name is the one and true correct one. This seems to me to miss the point.

So I ask, what is the real-world impact of your belief, or non-belief, on your life and the lives of others? That's the real issue, isn't it? How do your beliefs make you treat other people, and yourself? Do they cause you to feed the poor and take care of the sick? Or do they cause you to destroy something or injure someone else? Do they help you advance toward your goals in life, or do they hold you back? I would submit that if a particular belief is causing negative consequences, then it may be time to revisit it.

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